
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ta-dah! The TV Table!

OMG!!! It turned out great!
I have surprised myself! The "hunk of junk" that I bought at the thrift store turned out better than I had imagined! When I brought this beauty home most of my family and friends laughed at what an eyesore it was. I heard a lot of "Well, you have your work cut out for you"!

It was definitely ugly, but I saw the potential! When I was looking the cabinet over before buying it, I noticed that there was a cord coming out of it with a plug on the end! After further inspection, I realized that it had a light "feature" that I figured since this was in pretty bad shape wouldn't work. But, it totally does work!

 On the inside of the cabinet doors, was this weird avacado green velvet! Then I realized that the velvet panels were meant to face outward!

This cabinet just kept getting better and better to me! Ha! So, I decided it had to be mine, and for fifteen bucks, why not? YES!!! It was ONLY $15!!!!!!!I could afford to put some work into this baby!
Some cleaning, this thing smelled super musty! A little sanding, almost 10 cans of spray paint, glaze and polycrylic, and a few more finishing touches and I was done. Here it is!
I laugh when I think about the fact that I spent under $100 on this piece! It is seven feet long! Let me know what you think!
Here is a close up of the "bling" knobs!
And below is a picture of the light "feature" on with the new red glass!

And here is the before and after comparison!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mercury Glass Pumpkin!

I love how mercury glass looks! I saw these at pottery barn...
Aren't they GORGEOUS?!?!
But.... they were a little $$$$ for my liking so I was on a mission!
While at the local thrift store, I stumbled upon a cute little glass pumpkin jar! I picked it up for $3.05! Sweet!
I bought some looking glass spray at the craft store with a like 6 bucks.
Then, I got to work. I washed and dried the glass pumpkin. Then, I grabbed a spray bottle of regular water. The spray sould be done on the inside of the glass to get the "mirrored" look, so I LIGHTLY spritzed the inside of the pumpkin and the lid with water. Next, I gave the inside a good coat of the looking glass spray paint and let it dry for about 10 minutes. After the drying time, I wiped the excess water dropplets out with a bit of dry paper towel. Then, I repeated the process starting with the water spritz. Keep doing this until the piece gets to the desired look!
Here is my version!


Fall, already?

It's getting to be that time of year already! Fall! I'm seeing Halloween decorations going up around town and fall themes in the stores. My favorite thing about fall is Halloween! I have loved it since I was a kid. There is something exciting about feeling scared... and I love the idea of getting to dress up as anything you want! In the spirit of fall, I'm going to share with you all today a Halloween costume that I made for my daughter a few years ago and it will always be my favorite!

 I found a parrot costume pattern at the craft store and I just used pink to make her a flamingo! If you think you want to give a little more advanced sewing a try, I think costumes are a safe place to start. They dont have to be perfect! Just fun!